The Official Website of the Internet Factology Institute
/Gdynia-Starogard Gd-Rockford-Novara/
First sentence:
"1. The world is everything that is the case.
1.1. The world is totality of facts, not things.
1.11 The world is determined by facts, and by these begin all the facts
What is factology? It is kind of science dealing with theory and practice of systematic registration of every data called the fact regardless on their kind and meaning in aim to achieve critical mass of information hidden in these facts.
Theorethical bases of factology were worked out by the two scholars i.e. Zygmunt Wierzbicki and Zbigniew Kurzawa
from Starogard Gdański / with their formal education as economists /.
In this period however did not exist any technical possibilities of accumulation and processing of huge quantities of facts. So Zygmunt Wierzbicki begun his research registering size of the cod's fishings in north Atlantic area / United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization bulletins as a source/.
However Zbigniew Kurzawa photographed a view from his front window on Sikorski Street every day. During the years 1977-1995 he collected the impressive quantities of facts, which permitted on study of theoretical base of the factology as new branch of science. But since the computer era huge enlargement quantity of assembled facts were possible as well as their registration and processing.
Automatization of assembling facts even from distant places of the globe without moving from behind desk became possible. Registration of the data became many simpler and cheaper thanks to recording them on CD's or DVD's.
Name of this new branch of science has changed - we added "Internet" for emphasis, that with the moment of global network access the dynamic development of the factology was possible. We should distinguish the new branch of science from the religious sect of factology very popular in the United States. Factology is not religion, and it formed on the basis of rejection the traditional philosophy and acknowledgement as the spiritual father Ludwig Wittgenstein, which thesis first together with two explanations from fundamental work "Tractatus logico-philosophicus" we quote at the beginning of this page.
Internet factology deals also with researching of the global network and investigating every threats for this net like growing entropy, areas invisible DHN - "dark holes of the net" as well as DAS - "dark address spaces". We work over the net topology , its optimization and building a digital library of Internet sites in digital form.
The brainpower of Internet Factology Institute is based on two scholars - founders and lot of adepts of this new science.
We also have foreign correspondents in Rockford(US) and Novara(Italy).
We don't use B.A., M.A. or M.Sc. degrees even achived in another branch of science.
Every practician or theoretician of the factology receives before surname year in which he begun the systematic registration of facts and so for instance 1976_Wierzbicki or 1975_Kurzawa.
Ms Janina Turek from Cracovia is factologist honoris causa post mortem /see photo/. Since 1943 by next 57 years she led the systematic registration of facts accumulating impressive quantity of data. She skipped all not essential data about her's states of mind but registered all consumed meals and noted down the facts only.
In the 728 notebooks this great woman wrote down for example:
-all answered telephone calls and who rang -38 195 facts,
-her telephone calls - 6257 facts,
-all presents she gave to whom and what kind -5817 facts,
all presents she got - 10 868,
-how many times she played bridge - 1500
-how many times she was in the theatre - 110
how many TV shows and programms she saw -70 042
as well as hundred thousands different facts .
During 57 years she noted down and counted all the parties, trips, dances, objects she found, letters, books, pictures she saw, visits, breakfasts, dinners, suppers etc. Every noted down fact received in the journal of 1943_Turek its number. This - as well as the unusual regularity of records - has great sciencific valours for the internet factology. Unfortunately Turek's journals are not digitalized yet but we do hope to buy them out from her family.
1943_Turek h.c. records facts only -any personal emotions. When her husband returned alive from Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz she noted down "visit of Turek Czeslaw" in "unexpected visits" section. 1943_Turek h.c. is for internet factology the same symbol as Augusta Ada Byron (1815-1852), for computer programming. 100 years before the computers era she foresaw mechanisms of its working and wrote first software.
Internet factology do not investigate different states of consciousness, but register chosen facts using scientific methodology. In turn the great quantity of gathered facts / measured in TERA and PETA bytes / leads to the completely new quality. The final goal of the internet factology is to gather such quantity of facts to reach critical mass leading to the chain reaction. We are not able to foresee the results of this reaction as for now. This problem will be the object of our researching and publications.
We appeal to all web fans: join the exclusive society of internet factologists. Be a pioneer of the new science. How to join us?
Do you have wider scientific interests? Visit Pinopa website. English version soon.
Could the serious philosophical problems be expressed in graphic form? Let's try -visit our gallery, have a look at Frank W. Crackstone'a graphics concerning main thesis of the "Tractatus logico - philosophicus".
We invite you read and publish in our scientific publications i.e. Factological Review 2003 and 2004 and "Chronicles of Internet Factology 2003" i 2004.
Our archives are also available.
Factological links
1/ Project "Eat22" Elie Harrison photographed and registered all her meals day by day the whole year. Her webpage unavailable on the net.
Really great job did with scientific precision according to the factology rules.
2/ Jonathan Keller - photographing his face every day since 5 years is very ambitious project. He plans to go on with his Daily Photo Project until he dies.
3/ Roman Opalka- Polish painter, since 1965 is photographing his face and painting sequences of numbers to represent the passing of time. He added artistic touch to the internet factology.
4/Ludwig Wittgenstein- his life, books, articles- prepared by Wojciech Sady, professor of the Philosophy Institute of Zielona Gora University.

Zbig Kurzawa, mail:
Updated - April 22, 2005 r.
Copyright Zbig Kurzawa- all rights reserved